Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rwanda….. Land of the 1,000 hills and warm people….

I spent 7 days in Kigali, Rwanda at the home of Marie’s mother and sisters home. (My “Seeds Of Empowerment” teammate) Such warm loving women. Julie is Marie’s sister and was my personal translator and new sister during my stay. Marie’s mother was full of love and kisses….. we were lost in translation…. She doesn’t speak English and I fail to speak Kiryanrwandan… But the love was felt.

Julie runs her own restaurant at the Kigali institute of technology. Everywhere in town we go she knows someone, whether they are from her 7th day Adventist Church, family friends, cousins... etc…

I was able to meet a few of Marie’s other sisters and they were just darling… warm and full of love too. Before the genocide they family was 10… now it’s 6. One of the sisters stayed at the actual “hotel Rwanda” during the 100 days….

Something that has continued to surprise me is all over Africa… no matter where I am the people want to share something with me… it could be a hug, something to drink, a meal…. Some of them have so little but is custom to share what they have.

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